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Rihanna has short hair...she used to have long hair until she decided it was getting to long so she cut it really short

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Q: Has Rihanna got long or short hair?
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Is Rihanna one of the hottest woman?

Rihanna is the hottest woman to walk this planet.... she is soooooooo hot... she wenrt that hot when she had long hair but now she got that new hair cut she is so hot :L ( i like girls with short hair)

What couler hair has rihanna got?

heh. her hair color is black.

Does haruhi have long hair or short hair?

Oh, dude, Haruhi from "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"? She's got long hair in the anime. Like, it's pretty iconic, you know? So, yeah, long hair for sure.

Is Lady Gaga's hair fake?

yes she is bald this is what she looks like without a wig on

What are some hairdos for long hair with short layers?

PoofsHigh PoniesCurlyStraightThat's all I got sorry

What type of hair has Britney Spears got short or long?

Well she had many different styles,but now she has long (for now)

Why don't you need to wash your hair everyday?

It depends whether your hair is long, short, thin, or thick. If you have long and thick hair, you've got a problem. If you wash your hair frequently then all the thick hairs will trap the water and it stays there.Try to keep it at once or twice a week. If you've got short and thick hair you can wash it thrice or twice a week, but remember to towel dry your hair for a few minutes and then dry it with a hair dryer. If you've got short and thin hair, You can wash it about 4 times a week. If it's long and thin hair, you might just have a chance of washing it everyday.

How long does hair grow in 2 weeks?

Hair grows half an inch in a month and half of that in two weeks. I got a horrible short haircut, but my hair is growing out.

What is different between you have got long hair and you have long hair?

"You've got long hair" is grammatically incorrect. "You have long hair" is the proper way to say it.

Does harry styles like long hair of short hair?

Yes, Harry likes long and short hair on any girl

Does Hermione Granger have long hair?

The length of her hair is never really mentioned in the book. It is simply described as bushy and brown. In the films the actress who plays Hermione has medium length hair.

Who is the actor that looks like martin short in macy's commercial?

Lowell James Hicks befoe his hair got long