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He has gave the Batista Bomb he gave it to Big Show he gave it to Big Show on Ecw when Batista had to face him.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

yes he did

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Q: Has Batista gave a Batista Bomb to the Big Show?
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Why is Batista so big?

Batista's so big because he used to be a body builder. & He's tall. --------------------- Batista is a wrestler. Wrestlers work out. Wrestlers get big. Therefore... Batista got big. The height is in his genes.

What is Dave Batista's signature move?

5 Knuckle Shuffle...The five knuckle shuffle and his finisher is either the stf (shut the f up) or the F U, aka attitude ajdustment

Who is stronger big show or john cena?

cena has the hart Batista has the strength cena has resiliency Batista has aggression cena doesn't get beat up so qwikly like the animal dose cena didn't have more campions the batista did so here are your anserssteel cage:batistasubmision:john cena(cause of the stf)last man standing:batistanormal:john cenalader:cenaextream rules:batistaburied alive match:batistafirst blood:batistainferno:batistatables:cenahell in a cell:cena so chose who is beter and seriosly summerslam,unforgiven,no mery,one night stand are the best arenasbatista he broke jhon cena's neck thefirst time they wresled

Who is stronger batista or the rock?

Well I think john cena is stronger because who can pick up the Big show and edge at the same time. Also hes hotter. I just hate him. Any way john cena is stronger and hotter that's why hes stronger. And he WON against Batista so that tell the truth.

Who won at WWE Judgment Day 2009 Edge vs Jeff Hardy Randy Orton vs Batista Jack Swagger vs Christian Umaga vs CM Punk Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison John Cena vs Big Show?

The results from the event on May 17, 2009 : * Jeff hardy vs Edge, Edge wins. * Randy Orton vs Batista, Batista wins (by disqualification) * Jack Swagger vs Christian, Christian wins. * Umaga vs CM punk, Umaga wins. * Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison, John Morrison wins (with Charlie Haas) * John Cena vs The Big Show, John Cena wins.

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Is Batista and big show related?

No Batista and Big show have no Relation to each other!

Are batista and big show friends?

batista and big show are not friends and PS big show would kick his but. In real life yes they are friends.

Did batista and rey beat big show and chris Jericho?

yes when show knocked rey outokay you said show knocked rey out which he did but he is asking if rey and batista beat show and Jericho which they did not which in my mind will lead up to a batista heel turn

Wwe how much does Big show and Batista weigh?

785 pounds

Who has more power wrestler Kali or wrestler batista?

Maybe BAtista because if he has power to carry the Big Show, then he would be able to outrun the Great Khali.

Why is Batista so big?

Batista's so big because he used to be a body builder. & He's tall. --------------------- Batista is a wrestler. Wrestlers work out. Wrestlers get big. Therefore... Batista got big. The height is in his genes.

Can Batista lift up The Big Show?

yes, he has done it before. if you look at him and john cena standing beside each other, batista is bigger. he is way more cut too.

Who is your favorite wrestler of all time?

batista,kane,stone cold,big show THE ! AND ONLY JOHN CENA

Who will be the next unified tag team champions?

Either Batista and Rey Mysterio or Big show and Chris Jericho

What is Dave Batista's signature move?

5 Knuckle Shuffle...The five knuckle shuffle and his finisher is either the stf (shut the f up) or the F U, aka attitude ajdustment

Is John Cena friends with Batista real life?

I think they are friends because thy are going hate big show

Will it be a triple threat at night of champions?

no. It will be John Cena vs. Triple H Big Show vs. Kane, and Edge vs. Batista