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$25 or so. These were low value guns of indifferent quality.

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Q: HOW MUCH IS a ROHM RG8 22cal worth?
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Does the RAZO RG8 JDM Round Clock work on it's own battery or the cars?

The RAZO RG8 JDM Round Clock features internal battery power, which means there is no complicated installation required.

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It uses a suctioning feature to attach it.

What type of wire should you use with a vhf marine radio?

50 ohm RG8 or RG213 coax and don't skimp on the connectors - gold plated

Where can you FREE download for Nissan RF8 V8 engine service manual?

You can try checking websites that offer free downloads of service manuals, such as or manualslib. It's important to be cautious of websites that may offer downloads illegally or for a fee. Another option is to reach out directly to Nissan or an authorized dealership to inquire about obtaining a service manual.

Starting at the left corner of a standard chess board is it possible for a rook to move across every square exactly once before ending at the lower right corner of the board If so how?

Ra1 - a8 Ra8 - b8 Rb8 - b1 Rb1 - c1 Rc1 - c8 Rc8 - d8 Rd8 - d1 Rd1 - e1 Re1 - e8 Re8 - f8 Rf8 - f1 Rf1 - g1 Rg1 - g8 Rg8 - h8 Rh8 - h1 Using those moves, yes, you can sucessfully begin in one cornor and end in the other.

What is the difference between thicknet and thinnet cables?

Thicknet or 10BASE5 is able to run 500 meters. Thinnet or 10BASE2 is able to run 185 meters. Thinnet cable has a smaller diameter (it is thinner cable) and is more flexible and so easier to work with than thicknet. In the old days you would run a thicknet cable in the ceiling as your network backbone and use vampire taps to attach thinnet cables ("drop cables") that would drop down into rooms in the office where they would connect to hubs. This setup is caled a bus topology. The problem was if that if any piece wasn't properly terminated or is any one cable broke then the whole network went down and you'd have to run around trying to locate the break.

After connecting the Ethernet cable to the modem what do you do next?

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