Fred Weasley is his real name. No middle name is known. He was played by James Phelps in the movies.
His first name is Fred
That is his real name, a middle name was not mentioned. The actor who played him in the movies is named James Phelps.
Ronald 'Ron' Bilius Weasley. He shares his middle name with his Uncle Bilius who saw a Grim (A shaggy black dog supposed to bring bad luck to the person who sees it) and died 24 hours later.
Fred Estes's birth name is Fred Conley Estes.
Lucas Cruikshank's middle name is Alan. Lucas Alan Cruikshank.
Fred's creator is Lucas Alan Cruikshank.
Fred Weasley is his real name. No middle name is known. He was played by James Phelps in the movies.
lucas alan cruikshank
Sir Isaac Newton didn't have a middle name.
The name of the dog in the book Singularity is Fred. Towards the middle of this book Fred dies. Fred dies because he goes in the playhouse and gets locked in. He starves to death.