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The group was formed as a side project in late 2004...Mike Shinoda(of Linkin Park), Takbir "Tak" Bashir and Ryan "Ryu" Patrick Maginn(of Styles of Beyond)...DJ Cheapshot, the group released one album under the name Rising Tied, it sold millions of copies worldwide, mainly overseas...also had four videos from the album and won a Grammy award in 2006 for Ringtone of The this point in time, Mike Shinoda went back to spend more time with Linkin Park and put Fort Minor on hiatus as of now...Jay-Z was a huge impact on the discovery of putting together Fort Minor alongside Mike Shinoda...

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

fort minor is a side project started by mike shinoda (one of the lead singers in linkin park). Styles of Beyond rappers Ryu and was formed in 2005 and is on hiatus at this point...the group has one album under their note and sold millions of albums overseas...

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Q: Fort minor band members
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What are the names of the band members of fort minor?

Mike Shinoda that's it

Did mike shinoda leave fort minor?

i think he is now in linkin park still mike shinoda will upset all his fort minor fans if he left fort minor and lets not forget his band members ryu,takbir,and machine shop i still listen to both fort minor and linkin park on youtube

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Fort Minor. ;)

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Is there really a band called fort minor?

Yes, it was a side projects of Linkin Park's member Mike Shinoda. He collaborated with many different artists and released some albums under the name Fort Minor. It is said that Fort Minor will come back together after Mike is free from promoting Linkin Park's latest album and giving live performances.

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Fort Minor is a band and their lead singer is Mike Shinoda (also of Linkin Park) The band original run started in 2004 and in 2006 they took a hietus, so that Mike Shinoda could focus on his Linkin Park work. It is rumored that they will return following Linkin Parks next album release !!

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The possessive form is the band'suniforms.

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Who is the best Lap Band doctor in Arlington, Texas?

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