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Fight Club was a book written by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996, which was made into a movie in 1999. There are numerous differences between the book and the movie. The most important of these differences is the way the story ends. In the book, the narrator ends up in a mental hospital, while in the movie, he ends up shooting himself in the head.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

In the movie, all of the bombs are detonated and the buildings fall. In the book, the bombs do not blow due to Tyler mixing up the chemicals. The Narrator kills Tyler in the same way in both film and book. At the end of the book, the narrator is sent to a mental hospital where surviving members of PM tell him that everything is going according to plan and that they are awaiting Tyler's return.

Also, as the book goes on, the Narrator's appearance becomes more and more disturbing. By the end of the book his cheeks have been gashed so he looks an awful lot like The Joker from Dark Knight and his eyes have become slits due to perpetual damage caused to them during fight club.

In the movie, the Narrater meets Tyler in an airplane. In the book they first meet on a nude beach.

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