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these could be anything, depending on personal opinion.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Siegfried Horn call written by Wagner, great solo horn piece.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

If you are looking for a well known piece that is fun to play, I would suggest Ricard Strauss's Concerto 1, movement 3.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Lassus Trombone by Henry Fillmore

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Q: Famous pieces of music written for the trombone?
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What has the author C Robert Wigness written?

C. Robert Wigness has written: 'The soloistic use of the trombone in eighteenth century Vienna' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Music, Performance practice (Music), Trombone, Trombone music, History

What has the author Richard A Coolidge written?

Richard A. Coolidge has written: 'Introspection [for] Trombone and piano' -- subject(s): Trombone and piano music

Does a valve trombone use bass cleft or treble cleft music?

The word is CLEF. Trombone music is typically written in bass clef. However, music can be found written in tenor and alto clef. Occassionally, treble clef is used.In many older, classical pieces there were three parts written: alto, tenor, and bass. The alto trombone played in alto clef, tenor in tenor clef, and bass in bass clef. Most modern music is written in bass clef.

What has the author Karen A Maxwell written?

Karen A. Maxwell has written: 'A guide to solo Canadian trombone literature available through the Canadian Music Centre' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Canadian Music Centre, Catalogs, Music, Trombone music

What has the author John L Mills-Cockell written?

John L. Mills-Cockell has written: 'Reverberations, in 7 movements for solo trombone and 4 loudspeakers' -- subject(s): Aleatory music, Trombone music

When did beethoven write his famous piece of music?

Beethoven wrote many pieces of music, lots of them are famous.

Can Cello use trombone music?

Doesn't matter which music is used. The instrument doesn't dictate the playable music, the PERFORMER plays the music, not the instrument. As a professional Trombonist, I play music written for Trombone, Cello, Trumpet, Clarinet, Kazzoo, Kitchensink, whatever.....I'm not bound by what the music may be "listed for".

How do you convert piano notes to trombone?

The trombone and piano are both non-transposing instruments, so the trombone can read and play piano music as written. That said, if the piano part is too high or low, it will need to be raised or lowered to fit the trombone's range.

What famous pieces of music ARE played by the saxophone?

The Pink Panther

What has the author Harold Lloyd Leno written?

Harold Lloyd Leno has written: 'Lip vibration characteristics of selected trombone performers' -- subject(s): Trombone, Acoustics and physics, Music, Musical pitch, Vibration

What type of music did Richard Wagner play?

Most of his written output was opera, but he did write lieder, a single Symphony, the great Siegfried_Idylland various other minor pieces of music. He was not famous for playing music at all.

What is Karl Jenkins famous for?

Karl William Pamp Jenkins is famous for being a musician and composer of Welsh decent. He has written many pieces of music and is known throughout the musical community.