Derick Perez is famous and lives in Corona , ca
Buddy Holley, I know that'll be the Day!!
In Los Angeles.
He lives in the Santa Clarita valley in CA and is an eyebrow model.
Toby Gerhart
21101 Johnson Rd. Apple Valley, Ca. 92307
About 153 miles.
362 miles
The address of the Victor Valley Museum And Gallery is: 11873 Apple Valley Rd, Apple Valley, CA 92308-3670
The halfway point between Apple Valley, CA and Surprise AZ, falls in Blythe, California.
The halfway point between Apple Valley, CA and Surprise AZ, falls in Blythe, California.
It is 255 miles according to Google Maps.
Apple Valley, California, is in area code +1 760 and overlay code +1 442.
Apple Valley, California residents live very close to Victor Valley Community College (VVC) located in Victorville, CA. While there is not a community college in Apple Valley many attend VVC as it is only 10-15 mile distance to most residents.
there are 2 valleys around the world, thotapata, and kedu kedu valley. these both are the famous valleys around the world.
It is a program for "at risk" youths based at Apple Valley Middle School. Young people in the program learn discipline, teamwork and ethics. Often they are referred to the program by the court system.