three hurricanes hit the Caribbean one of them was hurricane Erika
Big show ran over on smackdown
Sicilians are famous for many things like -food -wine -people -Mafia
George Stephanopoulos is famous for a couple of things. Stephanopoulos is famous for mostly his American television, jounalism, and he was a former political advisor.
Cornelio Reyna was a Mexican singer who was famous for forming a partnership with Ramon Ayala to create the famous duet called Los Relampagos del Norte in 1963. He was born in 1940 and died in 1997.
She made a movie called cyberbulling. I don't thnk that she was cyberbullyed. She is making a ton of albums and things like that.
It was bombed in 1937.
Well.....the law that girls can vote....and presedint gerge W. bush died
He joined a Dojo.
no one knows.....
he farted
Nothing happed to Lars.
We partied like it was that year.