"Seinfeld" reunion
Franklin Gothic Heavy
Wanda's fiance was rapper "Krazee-eyez Killa"
Hye I am Pasha, well that's a statement more than a question, but if question, answer is yes, you will be fired with enthusiasm, if you are not filled with enthusism i think first word is filled, not fired, that might help you to understand it. imagine your clothes are wet and someone throws water on you, you will ofcource not mind enough as compared to if you were dry, wearing party dress, and someone ruined your suit.
It means showing zeal and zeal is great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
Zeal is a strong feeling of passion or enthusiasm towards a cause, belief, or goal. It is often characterized by intense dedication and fervor in pursuing something with great enthusiasm and energy.
Excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions, on any subject, especially religion; religious frenzy.
enthusiasm, zeal
Zeal is dedication or enthusiasm for something. If you have zeal, you're willing, energized, and motivated.Zeal is often used in a religious sense, meaning devotion to God or another religious cause, like being a missionary. Zeal doesn't have to be religious, though: a feeling of gusto and enthusiasm for anything can be called zeal. People have zeal for sports teams, bands, causes, and (often, but not always) their jobs. If you have passion for something, you have zeal, which is kind of a mix of eagerness and energy and devotion.
"zeal" is generally taken to mean "enthusiasm"... you could try enthusiasm instead? If you meant "veal" you can substitute pork, chicken, or turkey.
Enthusiasm, eagerness, hustle
Both zeal and yearn convey strong feelings, but they are not the same. Zeal is enthusiasm for a cause or goal, while yearn is a deep longing or desire for something. Zeal involves passion and energy, whereas yearning relates to a feeling of unfulfilled longing.
An abstract noun that starts with Z is zeal, a word for great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
Enthusiasm, drive, excitement, ambition, energy.
Fire means zeal, or enthusiasm.