

Best Answer

16. Bridgette & Geoff

15. Izzy

14. Trent

13. Gwen (Izzy comes back)

12. DJ

11. Izzy

10. Owen (Courtney comes back)

9. Heather

8. Leshawna

7. Justin

6. Lindsay (Owen comes back)

5. Harold

4. Courtney

3. Owen

2. Beth

1. Duncan

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Q: Elimination order in total drama action?
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Total Drama Action is a TV show. Youtube it.

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Thw winner of total drama action was Duncan and Beth was the runner up but in Australia Beth won total drama action.

Will there be a sequel to Total Drama Action?

Total Drama, The Musical.

How many episodes of total drama action will there be?

The number of episodes in Total Drama Action is 29