16. Bridgette & Geoff
15. Izzy
14. Trent
13. Gwen (Izzy comes back)
12. DJ
11. Izzy
10. Owen (Courtney comes back)
9. Heather
8. Leshawna
7. Justin
6. Lindsay (Owen comes back)
5. Harold
4. Courtney
3. Owen
2. Beth
1. Duncan
they dontgive out any last names in total drama action or island
Season 1. Total Drama Island Season 2. Total Drama Action Season 3. Total Drama: World Tour Season 4. Total Drama Reloaded
The Total Drama TV serires is currently nearing the end of their third season, with Heather, Alejandro, and Cody finishing. Season 1)Total Drama Island Season 2)Total Drama Action Season 3)Total Drama World Tour
It depends. who was voted off in the last total drama action? Geoff and bridgette? Izzy? if izzy then it will be Trent next. if it was bridgette and geoff the it is izzy.
Sarah Gadon .
the elimination order of Total Drama World Tour:DuncanEzekielHaroldBridgetteLeShawnaLindsayIzzyDjNoahTylerGwenOwenCourtney/BlaineleyDuncan (again)SierraCodyAlejandroHeather (winner)
Geoff,Bridget,Izzy,Trent,Gwen,D.J,Izzy,Owen,Leshana,Heather,Lindsay,Duncan,Izzy,Harold, Justin,Courtney and BETH WINS
Hannah Montana
Total Drama Action is a TV show. Youtube it.
Yes It Is, It Is The Total Drama Island Movie And There IS Also A Total Drama Action Movie Called Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special.
Chris, Chef Hatchet, the competitors
bethwill win total drama action
Total Drama World Tour
Thw winner of total drama action was Duncan and Beth was the runner up but in Australia Beth won total drama action.
Total Drama, The Musical.
The number of episodes in Total Drama Action is 29