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EasyCap, It is soo much cheaper and its quality, if you get the right settings, is as good maybe even better, than the dazzle.

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Q: Easycap or Dazzle
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Related questions

Can you use a tv PC monitor a tv which has a monitor built in with ezcap easycap dazzle?

No I don't think you can.

Which has better quality EasyCap or Dazzle Platinum Pros and Cons would be useful?

deffinatly the dazzle, way better quality, (ive owned both) and the software for the easy cap SUCKS! the dazzle is the only way to go

You are thinking of buying a Dazzle capture card which is best and is there a difference between platinum and DVD recorder?

No mate, go for a EasyCap

How do you use easycap on windows movie maker?

Easycap capture card files are not compatible with Windows Movie Maker.

Does easycap work on a mac?

yes, it does

Can easycap record your voice?


Where can you purchase EasyCap products?

You can purchase EasyCap products from your local specialist electrical store, such as RadioShack or similar. Failing that you can try Amazon or eBay.

Can you set up an easycap with ps3 slim?


Does the easycap 2.0 work on Call of Duty?

Yes, what affects it is the type of TV and the computer. That is the only downside of easycap- you have to download multiple plugins and software for it to work.

How do you make a Call of Duty video?

For consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3) you have to buy a capture card the most well known (and in price and quality order of lowest to highest) EasyCap ,Dazzle and Hauppauge HD PVR each one records in different quality. If you are just a casual gamer just go for a cheaper option but if you want professional videos go for the HD PVR. As for recording PC gameplay the best way in my opinion is fraps Incase you are curious about the quality each of them record here are some videos Easycap Dazzle HD PVR

What is the Cheapest but most Reliable Capture Card for recording Video Game Footage?

I'm sorry to say it but there is no cheap way out. you can buy an EasyCap but it is not reliable it has horrible quality. But if you really really want one i would go with the 30$ dazzle just go to amazon and search dazzle capture card i would rate it 7 out of 10 quality. If u want to see the quality go to youtube and try finding some quality tests. Hoped i helped.

How do you download easycap video studio software?

You get a new one :D