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During the 1970s and 1980s, artists and record companies were more interested in selling individual singles instead of entire albums?

False (APEX)

How do recording artist produce music cds?

They go into a studio, record their demos, and have their record companies priduce them onto cd's and albums.

Why are my addicted to bass 2012 songs to short?

Because record companies shorten the songs to put on their albums.

Can you buy Sade live albums online?

Yes, at or on Sade's website. You can also check out record companies.

During the 1970s and 1980s artists and record companies were more interested in selling individual singles instead of entire albums?


Do you still use the vinyl record?

Contrary to popular belief, record companies do still manufacture and release new albums in the vinyl format, (albeit by selected artists and in limited quantities).

How do you send a CD to a record label?

Most record companies do not accept unsolicited albums. You might consider trying to sell the album yourself online at places like CD Baby and iTunes.

What is a mail-order record company?

A mail-order record company is a company that sells music CD's, albums and videos over the Internet. Examples of such companies include Virgin and Glitterhouse Records.

Shotgun Messiah released albums on which music record label?

Shotgun Messiah are a glam metal band who came from Sweden. They released their albums on the Relativity record label between 1985 and 1993. The band had several different members during their time together.

What is the most famous record by the Divinyls?

The most famous record by the Divinyls is the Essentials, which is their best of record with a compilation from past albums. Other albums they recorded were Desperate, What a Life and Underworld.

The name of the albums by Aly-Us?

They didnt have any Albums. Although, they did have records. Strictly Rhythm is their record!

How many albums did Selena Gomez record?

she recorded 2 albums but now she is working on her third album.