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All the songs except for Baby, I'm Sorry, Lovin' Time, and future aftermath songs are up for download on the Total Drama World Tour page on Cartoon Network's website. Gypsy Rap, Sea Shanty Mix, and Oh Izzy Mix are all wave sounds, all others are MP3s.

P.S. Note at the time this post was made when "Oh Izzy Mix" was the most recent one added, so there may be absent or wave sounds not listed.

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The Total Drama World Tour Theme Song is

Dear Mom and Dad I'm doin' fine

You guys are on my mind

You asked me what I wanted to be

and now I think the answer is plain to see


I wanna live close to the sun

Well pack your bags 'cause I've already won

Everything to prove

Nothing in my way

I'll get there one day


na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na







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14y ago

The songs are: Come Fly With Us (TD Plane), Lovin' Time (Egypt), Rowin' Time (Egypt), Before We Die (Japan), Stuck to a Pole (Yukon), What's not to love (New York), Baby (TDWT Aftermath), I'm Sorry (TDWT Aftermath), Eine Kleine (Germany), In This Mess (The Amazon), Oui my Friends (Paris), Sea Shanty (Newfoundland), Oh Izzy (Jamaica), Save This Show (TDWT Aftermath), Sisters (TDWT Aftermath), Strip Them Down (London), Fight for the Gold (Greece), Boyfriend Kisser (Area 51), Shearing Sheep (Australia), Gwen's Face (Sweden), Her Real Name Isn't Blaineley (TDWT Aftermath), Blainerific (Niagara falls), Manmanchi (China), Wake Up (Africa), Condor (Easter Island), This Is How We Will End It (Alberta, Canada), Who You Gonna Root For? (TDWT Aftermath), I'm Winning This (TDWT Aftermath), I'm Gonna Make It (on the way from Alberta to Mexico), Versus (Hawaii)

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How do you buy Total Drama World Tour songs for an ipod?

you have to get on the application iTunes and go to the iTunes store

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When did Total Drama World Tour happen?

Total Drama World Tour happened in 2010.

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Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action and, Total Drama World Tour. A new season is being made. It was originally called Total Drama Reloaded, but was changed to Total Drama Revenge of the Island

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Total Drama Action , Total Drama World Tour and Stoked .

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No, the next season is total drama world tour.

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Season 1. Total Drama Island Season 2. Total Drama Action Season 3. Total Drama: World Tour Season 4. Total Drama Reloaded

Who does duncan like in total drama world tour?

Well, at first Duncan was with Courtney on Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action. In Total Drama Action, he and Gwen started to like eachother. In Total Drama World Tour they became a couple. So, in Total Drama World Tour, Duncan likes Gwen and hates Courtney because she was the reason Gwen was eliminated.

Will there be a season 3 to total drama island?

yes but it is not called total drama island it is called total drama world tour

When was Total Drama World Tour created?

Total Drama World Tour was created on 2010-06-10.

Why do they start total drama the musical if there is no total drama drama drama drama action?

there is 1 thing wrong in your ? it is called world tour but they{the competitors} sing anyway the manhunt movie is the total drama drama drama action

Is there going to be a total drama 3?

Yes there is it is called Total Drama World Tour.