Bryan Johnson - singer - died in 1995.
Bryan Adams was the man who sang 'Summer of 69' originally, not 'Bowling for Soup'.
Back to You - Bryan Adams song - was created on 1997-09-26.
Bryan Adams is 58 years old (birthdate: November 5, 1959).
Bryan Adams is very well known singer.
Bryan Adams was born on November 5, 1959
No, Bryan Adams is not a singer from the state of Tennessee. He is actually a Canadian singer. He has went to several cities in Tennessee to perform over the years.
Bryan Adams is a/an Guitarist,singer,composer,record producer,philanthropist,activist
Bryan Adams is a very rich singer, he has sung for many years.
Bryan Adams became a singer in 1984 when he rose to fame in North America. He has sold more than 100 million records.
Bryan Adams is a very rich singer, he has sung for many years.
No, he only has a brother by the name of Bruce
Bryan Adams is a famous Canadian singer, songwriter and photographer. He is best known for his songs "Everything I Do", "Summer of 69", and "Please Forgive Me".
If by "Brian" you meant "Bryan", as in the singer Bryan Adams: He was born November 5, 1959, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Hope this helps!
They are both good singers.
Bryan Adams is a well know Canadian singer, songwriter, musician, and photographer, among many other things. He is best know for his music career, spanning from the 1980's to the present.