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no shadow does not play an instrument only in sonic underground is when sonic Sonia and manic play music only sonic, Sonia, and manic knows how to play an instrument sonic plays the guitar, Sonia plays the piano and manic plays the drums but you can always make a fan fiction that shadow knows how to play and is in like a band only in Sprite videos show that shadow plays a guitar other than that he does not play a instrument if you want to see him play you should look at SSS show in the trip to Canada does shadow , sonic, and silver play an instrument they make up a band that is also named sonic underground {cause in that sprite video the original sonic underground did not exist}

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Q: Does shadow the hedgehog know how to play an instrument?
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Yes. If you aren't responsable+old enough to play games that might have Shadow the Hedgehog in them.

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Shadow The Hedgehog is on the Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft Xbox, & Nintendo Gamecube consoles.

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Can Shadow the Hedgehog be Played on the Wii?

Yes because the Wii Counsole can allow you to play Gamecube Games. So All you have to do is buy the Shadow the Hedgehog GC case and then buy 2 GC Controllers because Shadow the Hedgehog is Multiplayer and then put the GC disc in the Wii Counsole and TA-DA! You can play Shadow the Hedgehog on the Wii.

Can you play as Shadow in Sonic the Hedgehog 2006?

Yes, I think.

How can you play as Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic Rush?

You can't :3 You can play as Sonic the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat, but no other characters are playable.

Is shadow the hedgehog for Wii?

Shadow the Hedgehog did not have a Wii release. However, it was released on the Gamecube which means you can play it on your Wii as long as you have a Gamecube controller and memory card.

Do you play as the original Shadow The hedgehog in Sonic Heroes?

Yes. In all the games, you play as the original. Shadow just suffers from amnesia.

How can you play as your allies like sonic knuckles in the shadow the hedgehog video game What about Eggman but I know you can't play as Doom's Eye How about Maria?

There are no additional playable characters in Shadow the Hedgehog. He's all you get. The other characters will join you in each level as a support character, but you don't get to manually control them.