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Q: Does sakura use a axe
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Will Sasuke use sakura?

nope sasuke will never just use sakura for his own gain...

You don't have a axe?

If you don't have axe use other kinds. axe isn't the best brand you know???

What is a use of axe?

How does a axe help you

What do you use an ice axe for?

An ice axe is used in mountain climbing.

What does Sakura's crest symbolize?

Sakura is Japanese for blossom. They used to use the sympbol as a familial seal , each sakura design was slightly differtent.

How does the viking axe reflect on the vikings life?

the viking would use the axe for war and other things that the axe would do the job.

How do you create a flamethrower with household items?

Take some axe, take a lighter of any kind and spray the axe, while holding the axe button,use the lighter on the axe and there you go!

Why do Samoans use war axe?


How can you cut a tree?

Use a axe

How can you use axe is a sentence?

Yesterday I went to HomeDepot to buy an axe, in order to cut down a tree.

Can you use axe to make a fireball?


What did colony use?

diamond sword or axe