Type your answer here... no
they met by doing a song recored in the studio ^um no they met at auditions. Roc Royal and Princeton met first. then there choreographer found prodigy on youtube then they flew him out from phili. then Ray Ray auditioned at midnight and made the group!
Yes, Taylor Lautner does have a six pack. When he was fliming New Moon, he gained 30 pounds of muscle for the part of Jacob. Some of my friends and I now believe he has an eight pack. We have honestly counted.
He has a six pack...
kinda its hard 2 explain its like one of those small six packs but techniqualy yeah he does
he does, he has a six pack and muscles.
Mindless Behavior are coming to Six Flags in DC/Baltimore on the 20th of August as a Back to School concert!
they are performing there this saturday
depends how hot she is
it is at Peir six concert Pavillie at 7:00
six pack of soda six pack of beer
Six pack beer
really he has a six pack
Yes he does have a sexy six pack
You cannot. If you are lean enough and muscular enough to have "six pack" abdominals, be grateful! Whether you have a six-pack or an eight-pack is genetically determined.