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2 brothers

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Merlin Ankunding

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Q: Does Leo have a brother
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When did Brother Leo die?

Brother Leo died in 1270.

Are any Jonas brother's Leo?

Yes joe Jonas is a Leo. He was born on august 15th.

What is Leo brother name?

Brandon and Chris Howard

Does clark sisters have a brother?

Yes, Leo Cullum

From Leo little's big show are they really brother and sister?

No They Are Not Brother And Sister In Real Life.

How your brother Leo brought a wife?

Be more specific. Is this a question?(beata33)

Does the clark sisters have a brother?

Yes, Leo Cullum

Does Leo howard have any brother's and sister's?

Leo is an only child. But on his show "Leo Little's Big Show," he did have a little sister played by young actress G. Hannelius.

Does Truett have a brother named Sam?

No, but has adopted twin brother and sister, Moses and Marlee who are 8, not adopted brother Leo who is 5 and Judah who is 3

Is ghannelius and Leo hoard is really sister and brother?

No. G is an only child so they aren't but I don't know about Leo.

Was Reggie Yates in Doctor Who?

Yes, he played Martha's brother Leo Jones.

Is Cole Sprouse a Leo?

yes, he and his twin brother's b-day is august 4th.