He Didnt Have A Job. He Was Only Young Before His Singing Carea. Although He Always Was Preforming To The Public And Got Quite A lot Of Money At Times From Doing That As He Sang And Played His Gutiar In Front Of The Theater Or Played His Drums At A Very Young Age With A Band Or When He Sang In A Comp And Didnt Come First, Sadly . Although He Wanted To Be A Chief Or Even Just Work At Macdonalds But Shortly After Scooter Finding His Amazing Talent, He Got The Job As A Singer.
No, Justin Bieber does not have a job besides being a singer, as of 2014. He has been a singer since he was a young teenager.
Pattie used to have low paying office jobs when Justin was younger but I don't think she has a job anymore because Justin's rich and she's always traveling with him. Jeremy Bieber owns a business in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
yea, but the one i wore in the music video is from west 49. keep buying one time on itunes, and subscribe to my youtube channel, kidrauhl. thankls for yall's support.justin>>
Michael Jackson had only 1 job from when he was 5 to when he was 50 and that was being the greatest entertainer/singer/dancer/musical genius/humanitarian of all time. Michael Jackson had a singing job with his brothers.
He plays lead guitar and sings back up.
No, Bella does not have a job at the grocery store in the novel or the movie. ~Singer Actually, she does, she works at her friend Mike's parents grocery store. -nathalie
being a singer
Yes, he is a singer.
Being a singer.
Justin Bieber is a singer and that his job. And I can tell you he is so hot,cute and sexy though.
Justin Bieber's job is really singing
Tattoo artist
By doing his job...
2007 he met Justin timber lake and usher and he got his job in 2008
how long will it be until justin bieber will loose his fans his job how many people hate justin bieber is most of them guys or there girls involed too?
Hopefully in the job centre.
no, why would he be quitting? he loves his job!