Sadly Janeece wont be in series 5 she left at the end of series 4.
Janeece Bryant is played by Chelsee Healey
yes he gets pushed by steph in to the road <--- load of rubbish Paul left Waterloo Road the end of Series 5 as he was in the Sixth Form. You can see more of Paul in Waterloo Road Reunited at and see how he got on after Waterloo Road
Holly Kenny(Sambuca Kelly) in series 7, is in year 11. So 16 in Waterloo Road.
Series 2 episode 10 i think
Daniel, Denzil Emily Finn Grantly Harley Janeece Jez Scout Josh Kyle Lauren Linda Madeline Matt Michael Phoenix Ronan Shona Rhona Sian Tariq Tom Trudie Zack
Bolton was going out with a girl called Janeece , but when Waterloo road finished , Janeece left ( i don't no if she is coming back ) , and then Bolton was with Michaela. But they broke up.
Janeece Bryant - Chelsee Healey
Janeece Bryant is played by Chelsee Healey
Yes there is going to be Waterloo Road Series 6 they have already started filming it :)
Waterloo road series 8 is beginning in September- they haven't specified a date.
No it is his brother.
From series 1 to 7, Waterloo Road was filmed in Rochedale. Although for the 8th series it is moving to Glasgow to be filmed in another school.
Series 3 episode 20.
yes he gets pushed by steph in to the road <--- load of rubbish Paul left Waterloo Road the end of Series 5 as he was in the Sixth Form. You can see more of Paul in Waterloo Road Reunited at and see how he got on after Waterloo Road