

Best Answer

John Cena what your name i net to now im your spuber fane you r cool

i like your t tricht green is cool is all ways is my forvite coloer ha my mane

i like you be my brother with me be my chamtney im her all day i done with school

i see you on raw live you stay on raw ever monday nihgt john cena i now your marry with you like that kiss your wife for you you r good hasben

good mane to me

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Q: Does it hurt to do the 5 knuckle shuffle?
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What are john cenas signatures?

5 knuckle shuffle is his signature move.... where as jumping leg drop is performed before 5 knuckle shuffle....

Whose finisher is the cross knuckle shuffle in WWE?

It is called five knuckle shuffle and it is John Cena's signature move

What are john cenas 2 finishing moves for WWE?

Attitude Adjustment or 5 Knuckle Shuffle

What is the names of John Cena's moves?

Fustfu5-knuckle shuffle

What is the finishing move of john cena?

Five Knuckle Shuffle

What is John Cena's Special Moves?

STF, five knuckle shuffle, attitude adjustment.

What is John cena's finishing moves called?

Easy, STF, Attitude Adjustment, 5-Knuckle Shuffle, Diving Leg Drop.

How can you use the word knuckle in a sentence?

i can hurt my knuckle

What is Dave Batista's signature move?

5 Knuckle Shuffle...The five knuckle shuffle and his finisher is either the stf (shut the f up) or the F U, aka attitude ajdustment

What does waving your hand back and forth in front of your face mean in RAW wrestling?

it is john cena's gesture when he is going to do the five knuckle shuffle

What is john cena's special move?

he has many of them, but some of them are:- jumping leg drop... 5 knuckle shuffle... drop kick... attitude adjustment... submission:- STF... sleeper hole...

How do you do the five knuckle shuffle for smack down vs. raw 2007 for ps2?

well it is so easy you can just press triangle in your remount control