If you mean like calling them to talk to them, no it doesn't cost any money.
No Saynow doesnt cost money
No it does not cost money to enroll
Honey. She is a celebrity. CELEBRITIES are celebrities. If you are that big of a fan just get yourself a MileyWorld account. mileyworld.com
If you want to watch a episode of something ,than no it does not cost money.
A lot of money
No it does not cost any money to call Debby Ryan.
No Saynow doesnt cost money
It will not cost you any extra money but it will cost you some.
Yes, it does cost money cause you are calling out of the country.
well tecincally you can call your self what you want but legally it does cost money go to the solicetors.
Um, call a celebrity is not possible..
It is free, but only call this number in an emergency situation.
yes it does cost it averages about 1.25 each call so dont do it
No, it is free if you call here Say now number.
No it doesnt, i recently called Verizon and was told it cost money to call someone in the virgin islands but it does not cost money to text someone as long as you both have a texting plan
yes it costs $5.00