Yes, when he lost his shinigami (soul reaper) powers for the first time he lost it. he doesn't get it back when he gains his powers again in the latest arc.
If i can remember ichigo became part hollow because after byakuya almost kills him he loses his soul reaper powers so kisuke urahara helps ichigo train to get his powers back. Kisukes training method was that something was eating at ichigos soul chain while he was in a ditch. Ichigo hadt get out before the ting ate his whole soul chain. If your soul chain gets pulled out or aything you turn into a full hollow hich happened with ichigo. But by some miracle while turninginto a hollow he manifested his power and s able to gain his powers back before he turned into a full hollow
Ok people been hearing many different answers like Gin killed Aizen but... it wasnt him The real person the killed Aizen was Ichigo (I wouldn't be surprised) there was a duel between them as Aizen almost killed Gin with one blow with his sword then Ichigo stepped in before Aizen killed this other soul reaper (haha sorry don't know her name) after Ichigo set down his dad on the ground Ichigo wanted to make a deal to fight somewhere else then where there is a whole lot of people but Aizen said no after Ichigo grabbed Aizen by the face flew in the air found a far spot from everyone and throw him at the ground after that they talk for a little then they faught Aizen swing his sword at Ichigo but he block it with his and a huge rock just slice in half and evaporated in the sir Aizen taught that was his sword but Ichigo told him the true that the rock that evaporated was from his sword... Ichigo flew to Aizen and hit him with his sword and it damage him pretty bad but Aizen turned in a full hallow creature thing and tried to kill Ichigo but Ichigo use his newest move "The Final Getsuga Tenshou" and Ichigo was the move was Ichigo's hair turn really long and black Ichigo used the move sliced Aizen in half but to do the move Ichigo would have to loose his soul reaper powers! Itchigo lost his powers and Aizen was still alive but Badly injured by Ichigo's blast then Ichigo's teacher (forgot name also but he has 2 children living with him with a cool hat) stepped in and put a seal on Aizen after the seal took effect Aizen died. So Mostly Aizen died from Ichigo and a little of his teacher help too.
'T1', or Type 1, is a text roleplaying method. It means any combat has to take the form of paragraphs, is turn based (rather than speed-based) and allows only one attack description per paragraph.
I dk.
At the Vizard training he was at Adjuchas level. After the training he went on to fight Grimmjow and other people I believe During these fights he used his hollow mask so he got in more practice and then he reached Vasto Lorde level, as we saw when he was fighting Ulqiorra (Final battle). So to answer your question, Ichigo did go Full Hollow in the Vizard training because he was fighting his inner hollow, but he was NOT at Vasto Lorde level at the time.
if you are up to date with the episodes out you will have seen a full body transormation into a hollow when ichigo was overtaken and lost control whilst fighting with murama however he did push back the hollow form and turn back to normal
Yes he can. Just by going into bankia form and summuning his mask allows him to go "Hollow" But he does need the hollow inside him to agree with loaning ichigo his power as well and ichigo has to wiat a few minutes in between each "Hollowfication"
Prior to Ichigo's birth, his mother was attacked by a hollow. Which you will find in the latest episodes reveals that others like him had the same happen to their mothers. This is turn left the hollows "reshi" behind in the womb. Thus giving Ichigo and the like hollow powers.
He first becomes a hollow when he fights Byakuya...Byakuya will be winning badly when the hollow takes over Ichigo.Thus,the Hollow Ichigo does serious damage to Byakuya and the match becomes even.Then Ichigo forcefully suppreses the hollow.Thx.
I don't quite know the answer to this yet, but when someone finds this out, they're going to answer this question. But my best gues is after taking Rukia's powers at the beginning of the series, it had the reaction to Ichigo becoming a Hollow, due to his new abilities or it can be that when kisuke was training him and he was below the ground and they ask him to climb up or else u will turn into a hollow and he ended up turning to half of one that cud of triggered a reaction to turn him to a hollow later on
I think Hollow Ichigo would win. You see, his bankai is fast and his hollow form gives him power. Now add that together and you have the ultimate combo. Also, Ichigo's Black Getsuga Tensho is very powerful. Ichigo can also turn into Getsuga Tensho (that's how he defeated Aizen the first time). Ichigo can swat every attack like the time he swatted the senbonzakura kageyoshi with the fight with Byakuya Kuchiki. Bring on the arguments in the discussion corner.
He partially becomes a hollow in episode 19, but actually is first taken over by it in episode 59.
If i can remember ichigo became part hollow because after byakuya almost kills him he loses his soul reaper powers so kisuke urahara helps ichigo train to get his powers back. Kisukes training method was that something was eating at ichigos soul chain while he was in a ditch. Ichigo hadt get out before the ting ate his whole soul chain. If your soul chain gets pulled out or aything you turn into a full hollow hich happened with ichigo. But by some miracle while turninginto a hollow he manifested his power and s able to gain his powers back before he turned into a full hollow
Eventually i believe he does and when i find out the episode i will tell you although Ulquorra almost killed Ichigo once thnk god for Orihime... well actually Grimmjow. He told her to save him so that he could fight and kill him but he ends up losing and dies <Tears> Bye bye Grimmjow I'll just say yes Ichigo does defeat him at great costs though, see ichigo was basically Killed by Ulquiorra (Again) using his weird finger light attack. ichigo was then urged back to life to protect Orihime who was screaming his name he then chants to himself and his hollow decides to basically turn him into something... extremely dangerous not exactly a visord.. more arrancar-like. ichigo is not conscious during the time that the hollow destroys ulquiorra ruthlessly. Ighigo was miraculously healed with his "instant regeneration" hollow powers. its only out in subs right now though. x3
First Answer:I don't remember what episode it was it was one of the early ones. But he gets bitten by a hollow (they are basically demons of the underworld) and when you are devoured or bitten you get possesed. When that happens the hollow posses him but he ends up fighting out of it. In later episodes Ichigo uses the power of the hollow inside him to fight. You have to see the anime to find out.Second Answer:If we're talking about when Ichigo becomes possessed by his hollow form when he doesn't know how to control it, I think it's episode 60, when he fights Byakuya Kuchki.
yes he had to in order to become a shinigami again also he became a hollow during his vizard training and when orihime was screaming for help from him ---------------------------------------------- Yes, Ichigo has an inner hollow which he got, when trying to get his lost shinigami powers back in Urahara Shop. Ichigo becomes a hollow when he loses his temper or when he looses too much reitsu as his inner hollow looks for a moment when his behaviour is volatile. He becomes a hollow in Byakuga fight. Then again when Yammy and Ulquiorra visit Karakura town. After that he goes to training for controlling his hollow power with the Visoreds (Visards) namely Shinji, Hiyori and co. There he is able to control his hollow power for only a few seconds. When he fights Grimmjow(6th Espada) in Heuco Mundo he perfects hollowfication which enables him settle in hollow form for a long time. In his battle with Ulquiorra(4th Espada), he undergoes complete hollowfication when he passes out due to injuries and devastates Ulquiorra in his 2nd resurrected form. He also loses is shinigami powers closer to when he fights Aizen. He turns into Getsuga and uses the Final Getsugatensha. By this time he thinks he has defeated Aizen, but in the end Urahara comes in and the seal he implanted earlier on activates and destroys Aizen. (or so we think) Now we think Ichigo only has Hollow powers but he may get his shinigami powers back later. But at least he has mastered how to fully hollofy at will. (As in fully hollofy I mean turn into the form he unwillingly turned into when he was fighting Ulquiorra)