Yes,he did date black women before
no he does not he has a blonde wife as seen on youtube
maybe hes from canada!(: theat was a free state back than yeah lots of interrcial couples(:
if their hot he would!
Yes he has!! He Also cheated on his Ex-wife Karen with a black girl!
Yes. Black women date outside their race.
I think Austin mahone he don't care about black or white he date black women or white women is does 't matter
Yes,he did date black women before
Black men date white women because they think that going out with white women is not being recess
yea he would date a black women :)
Of course they do.
No!! There is no reason that a person date one type of person. A person should date anyone they are attracted to.
Ah no. Only black men.
Some do.
Anything can go.
Yes. In Africa some black men are married to white women. And some white men are married to black women.