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No because he ends up a baby with Bra/Bulla.

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Q: Does goten and valese have a baby?
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Who is valese in dbz?

Valese is Goten's girlfriend in DBGT.

Goten and bulla?

nope, goten already had a girlfriend named valese

What episode in dragonball gt did goten and valese had their first date?

Episode 25 ( Baby's Arrival)

Did goten had a lover?

Yes. In Dragonball GT, he dates a girl named Valese.

Who is gotens girlfriend?

Goten has a girlfriend named Valese. Valese (バレーゼ, Paresu) is a fictional character in Dragon Ball GT. She's a girl Goten asked out on a date. Anime name: Valese Manga name: Paresu Alternate names: Paresu Palace Paris Debut: "Babys Arrival" Appears in: Dragonball GT Race: Human Family: Goten (Boyfriend) For more info check out:

Does goten have a wife?

Yes, he marries Valese in the GT 100 Year timeskip, sometime before DBHeroes. They have a son who becomes Beat's grandfather.

When can you pet your baby gerbil?

after a couple of days when have goten used to the cage

Do trunks and goten fuse in gt?

No, Goten is the son of Goku and Chichi, whereas Trunks is the son of Vegeta and Bulma.

What episode is goten born?

It doesn't show when Goten is actually born, but at the end of bio-Broly, movie 11, it shows where he's a baby. It shows where gohan gives him a piggy back ride.

Is future goten in dbz bt 3?

there is a goten, but not a future goten. There was no future goten because goku died. And, goten was born in 2010. Goku died in 2010 months before goten was suppost to be born. Goku and chi-chi have to f*** each other for goten to be born. Without goku, goten can not be born.

Who is better goten or frieza?

Goten is more powerful than Freiza so my bet is Goten

Who would win goten or Elmo?

goten of course