No it only comes in lady size like 8 n up it's not really little girl cloths more for teens but the wizard cloths r for girls
Selena Gomez
No, honey, that's not Selena Gomez in "16 Wishes." That movie stars Debby Ryan, not Selena. But hey, they're both Disney Channel queens, so I can see where the confusion might come from. Just remember, not every brunette starlet is automatically Selena Gomez!
I don't think she is in 2011. But I hope she comes soon(: I want her to come to Ohio so I can go see her.
It depends on people's opinions. So, if people like Miley better, than they probably think Miley Cyrus is hotter than Selena Gomez. But, if people like Selena Gomez better, then it the opposite. Selena Gomez is wayyy hotter! Selena Gomez is a bit prettier in the face but Miley Cyrus has a way better body, but i would say Miley because she doesn't look like she's 12. Yea Selena is prettier, but miley does look a little older. but i would still say Selena because that just means theres more to come. and Selena has a way better reputation and a hotter body.
People think that she also has dated Justin Bieber. No, she hasn't. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are just friends, they were hanging out together. Justin Bieber is 16, Selena Gomez is 18. -David Henrie -Gregg Sulkin -Mitchel Musso -Nick Jonas -Taylor Lautner -Justin Bieber In fact, Selena is dating Justin because even though they say they are just friends if you come to think about it when they go out on dates together, hug each other, and accept kisses on lips and cheek that leads to 1 thing.......... bf and gf!!!! Just thought i would add Justin Bieber is 17 and Selena Gomez is 19. Obviously everyone now knows that Justin,18 and Selena,19 are now dating and have been for just over a year and a half ,i think.
i wish selena gomez would come to durban it has been my dream to meet her do you know her number i do send me her number and i will tell you if its right .......
That's what I'm thinking too..
Sometime in the spring. No dates have been released yet. :)
it came out on the 18th of September and its in big w :)
Will selena gomez travel to Arkansans
When is Selena Gomez coming to Cleveland, Ohio
One of them that I know is that she keeps on saying when you try with all your heart for your dream it will come true.
Selena Gomez will come to montreal QC in October 2011 bell center i love selena gomez so much i will die to meet her
Her new clothing line will come out in K-Mart stores on August 1, 2010.
Yes, "Come and Get It" is a single from Selena Gomez's latest album "Stars Dance."
The actual date when Selena Gomez fragrance will come to Lebanon is yet to be confirmed.
selena gomez mite come this year or next year