No, he only dates girls who havn't gone through puberdy yet, being a pedofile and everything... But seriously it's drake fickin bell, if you don't know him enough personally to know if we would date an 18 year old girl or not, then you will most likely never even meet him!
Yeas Destery Just Recently go a tattoo On his hand. follow him on twitter
The actress turned 18 on October 28, 1997. As of 2016, she is not pregnant.
I believe...that he does.But he probably doesn't mean it.Its in some of the duets that they sang together.Like Canterella (something like that.)But for some reason I do think they have a little crush
Hell YEAH! Can't you tell from his pictures? ;) omg good he is so not sexy . he is SUPER SEXY. yeas he is so sexy as the person says above look at his pics and you'll find out he is sooooo sexy man in all of his hair cuts especially with blonde hair. i love him..anyone has his email?
Two people have played Dumbledore. The first one, Richard Harris, died at 72. After his death, he was replaced by Michael Gambon, who is currently 71.
8 yeas olds because there cute
Yeas they've been on one date.
yeas yeas he will its on madden ratings
Yeas is a plural noun (plural of yea, an affirmative response). Nouns do not have tenses.
Yes it is passed by saying yeas and nays. Weird, uh?
yeas you can
· yeas and nays · yield · yield the floor · yield time