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No they don't like eachother that way they are just good friends thats all besides the jade palace is like a family it would be wierd to date your own brother.

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Q: Does crane like tigress In Kung Fu panda 2?
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Related questions

What does tigress look like?

What do u mean u mean real of Kung fu panda

Why are some of the characters in Kung Fu Panda not running on four legs like Tigress or Tai Lung?

Because it's a cartoon and not real.

Can you play as crane in Kung Fu panda multi player for the xbox 360?

yes, in, i think level 3 or some thing like that.

Why is Tigress so mean?

Tigress in Kung Fu Panda is so mean because if you look closely in the flashback of what happened to Tai Lung, you can infer that she felt neglected as Shi Fu's student. She always felt like she was never important, bad at Kung Fu, or both. This has caused her to think negative thoughts and hate everybody. Basically, she has low self-esteem.

Does Tigress have a crush on Po in Kung Fu Panda 2?

No, I think they are just very good friends.

What will like be in cinema?

kung fu panda

Where is the Tigress Figure on Kung Fu Panda?

Its in toys r us and was in mc donalds a long time ago. On eBay they have lots of tigress things and the price is cheap. i love tigress,but i lost her toy and im going to buy another one from eBay EXTRA: if u think tigress and po love each other.your right!! go to youtube and type in: P.S i love you tigress Click on the picture that looks like po is in the tv. on top of the picture it says P.S i love you tigress The video is cute

Do you like Kung Fu Panda 2?

no it's rubbish

Who does Po like from Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness?


How do you fight a panda?

put a dart in its nerve system and it pulls funny faces like po out of kung fu panda

What are the games like Kung Fu panda world?

Games like kung fu panda world is, (need webkinz doll) Thats all i know.

Is Kung Fu based on the movements of the crane and snake?

There are some styles which is based on the movements of crane and snake and there are styles which is based on the movements of other animals too. But not all the styles of kung fu are based on snake & crane. There are lot of things in kung fu other than the mimicry of the animal movements. Watch the kung fu movies like Shaolin Temple, Drunken Master, Fist of Fury and Ip Man. You can understand kung fu better.