He does he hugged her and dreamed of marrying her in chowder grows up since it was a dream
No.He rather be away from her.
The end of the Bluenana and the end of the episode with Kinishmas
no schnitzel does not hate Chowder, but Chowder does annoy him a lot.
Kirby but everyone said both is cause they eat alot but Kirby suck anything like rocks and stuff but chowder only eats the stuff he likes but he dosent like to eat garbage
Yes Chowder has parents but they will not show up on the show until Chowder is 18 years old. Mung Daal is his mentor.
Well panini likes chowder cause she thinks he is a man and makes panini coo coo.
Yes, Chowder and Panini get married as it was shown in the 30 minute special, "Chowder Grows Up".
Nobody, Chowder doesn't like Panini
Yes! Like Chowder,Panini,Truffles,shitnel, Gazpacho, and gorganzola
in chowder .ceviche likes her.
Liliana Mumy
Chowder - 2007 Panini for President Chowder's Babysitter 2-2 was released on: USA: 6 November 2008 Poland: 8 April 2009
No.He rather be away from her.
Panini .
The end of the Bluenana and the end of the episode with Kinishmas
"Panini" , voiced by Liliani Mumy , the 10-year-old Catbearrabbit girl who has a crush on Chowder .
# Chowder, Mung Dual, Shintzel, Truffles, Kimchiy, Gazspotshow, Panini,Endiv *New Person* Don't forget Ceviche and Gorgonzola!