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Q: Does caitlyn Jenner want to be a man again?
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Does Caitlyn Jenner want to go back to a man?

Probably not, as she has had the complete surgical transformation done.

Why did Bruce Jenner change from a man to a woman?

Yes. In June 2015, Jenner (then 65 years old) changed his self-identification from male to female, now being known as Caitlyn Jenner. However, this included cosmetic surgery and possibly hormone replacement therapy, not actual sex reassignment surgery.

Is Brody Jenner attractive?

Yes, Brody Jenner is a very attractive man. Brody is the son of Brice Jenner. He is also the step brother of the Kardashian sisters.

Who was the man who cured smallpox?

That would be Dr. Edward Jenner.

Can a man marry again without the original wife knowing it?

NO,his wife has to know if he want to get married again

Who was edward Jenners father?

Edward Jenner's father was a rich man who was also a doctor and when Jenner was growing up he taught him all about being a doctor

What kind of person was edward Jenner?

Edward Jenner was a kind gentle man. He even built a cottage for one of his vaccinated patients. Growing up in the countryside he developed a love for nature.You will be happy that you chose to do Edward Jenner. I know I was.By:Ashley Tisdale

Why was it so important to edward Jenner to discover the vaccine?

Is sometimes referred to as the 'Father of Immunology'. Jenner's discovery 'has saved more lives than the work of any other man'

Why was it so important for Edward Jenner to discover the smallpox vaccine?

Is sometimes referred to as the 'Father of Immunology'. Jenner's discovery 'has saved more lives than the work of any other man'

Who is Alvin slipper?

he is the man who invented slippers but i keep on calling him edwar Jenner a diffrent person

Who was Edward Jenner?

Edward Jenner was the creator and discoverer of the small-pox vaccination.Edward Jenner invented/discovered vaccinations. he found out that when he gave somebody a small dose of cow pox, (similar in its composition to small pox but non lethal) it made his patients immune to contracting small pox. He was a great man, one to be admired the world over.

What actors and actresses appeared in Man on Mars - 2012?

The cast of Man on Mars - 2012 includes: Andree Bratkowski as Ground Control Violet Jenner