Bobby Goldsboro was born on January 18, 1941
Bobby Goldsboro
Bobby Goldsboro.
The music was written and performed by Bobby Goldsboro.
As of 2012, Bobby Goldsboro is still alive.
Bobby Goldsboro was born on January 18, 1941.
Bobby Goldsboro was born on January 18, 1941
Bobby Goldsboro is a/an Singer-songwriter, guitarist, painter, television producer
Bobby Goldsboro was born on January 18, 1941
Oliver or Bobby Goldsboro Bobby Vinton
1941 (January 18)
The Bobby Goldsboro Show - 1973 1974-10-12 was released on: USA: 12 October 1974
The Bobby Goldsboro Show - 1973 1974-09-21 was released on: USA: 21 September 1974
Does he wear a wig
no pat does not wear a wig