No, she and her late husband Michael never had any children. She does however have two rescue dogs: Kramer and Stella whom she loves dearly.
Bernadette Peters was born on February 28, 1948.
Bernadette Peters is 69 years old (birthdate: February 28, 1948).
No, they are not. Bernadette Peters sister is an agent, or was, in New York City.
You can contact Bernadette Peters on her website contact form available at the Related Link. Her fan mail address is: Bernadette Peters c/o Judy Katz Public Relations 250 West 57th Street Suite 1218 New York, NY 10107 Bernadette Peters is happy to sign a photograph for you and personalize it, but in an effort to support her plight of homeless animals via BROADWAY BARKS, she requests a small donation of $10.00 to the organization. Send the donation and a self-addressed stamped 8 x 10 envelope to: BERNADETTE PETERS AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO c/o Judy Katz Public Relations 250 West 57th Street Suite 1218 New York, NY 10107 Please make you check payable to "Broadway Barks".
Bernadette Parisella lives in Forrest Hills, NY. However she is listed in both Forest Hills, NY and New York, NY.
Bernadette Peters was born on February 28, 1948.
Bernadette Peters was born on February 28, 1948.
Bernadette Peters was born in Queens, New York, in February 1948. She is a famous Broadway star, television and film actress, and children's book author.
The cast of Bernadette Peters in Concert - 1998 includes: Drew Jaymson Bernadette Peters as herself Michael Strassen
Bernadette Peters is 69 years old (birthdate: February 28, 1948).
No, they are not. Bernadette Peters sister is an agent, or was, in New York City.
Bernadette Peters has been married once... To Micheal Writtenburg... Who passed away in September 2003
She has curly hair(red).
Bernadette was a nun and had no children.