Yes, two sons.
He's got a web site. Why not drop by and see if his bio contains that? And there is contact information there, too. Need a link? You got it.
Jordan is married to Evelyn Knight and they have 2 kids together,Dante and Eric.
City of Ember.
yes .him and wife kass have two sons.
According to fact-wiki and hollywoodsmagazine he is happily married to Laurie.
William Faulkner had one daughter, named Jill. She was born in 1933.
Yes, William Faulkner had two daughters named Jill and Jill.
Yes, Eric McCormack has 1 kids
Yes, Eric Bana has 2 kids.
Maya brooke and Eric
Yes, Eric McCormack has 1 kids
Eric McCormack has 1 child
Eric Bana has 2 children