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Q: Does army wives kill Trevor LeBlanc?
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Because the cake is a lie.

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Anderson - 2011 Wives Who Kill Abusive Husbands was released on: USA: 9 February 2012

What is a good build for LeBlanc?

LeBlanc is an assasin mage, which is meant to go in, kill a target and get out. Your primary focus is to build items that enable huge burst while still giving you a bit of sustain. The best build to go for LeBlanc is Deathfire Grasp, Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap, Zhonya's Hourglass and Banshee's Veil.

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How did King Henry kill his wives?

he beheaded them with lots of knives

Can Muslims kill their wives?

Of course NOT ! in Islam, killing any human; illegally; is regarding as killing the whole of mankind. Even in war, it is nlt allowed to kill any woman, or child, or old people. So, I wonder of the one who asking this question. What he/she expects. Does she/he expects that Muslims are so wild to kill their wives. Why he/she doesn't ask if Christians, Hindus, Buddhists or Jews can kill their wives!!!!!

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Henry VIII had two wives executed, the first was Anne Boleyn and the second was Catherine Howard.

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Mob Wives - 2011 If Books Could Kill 2-14 was released on: USA: 22 April 2012

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The Army Snipers are trained to find shoot and kill what matters is the shooter not the weapon

What need was Trevor trying to satisfy?

to kill and blow the earth and the moon up and create a robot world

Did Alexander The Great kill his wives?

No, Alexander the Great did not kill his wives. He died while they were all still alive. His first wife Roxana killed his second wife Stateira, and possibly his third wife Parysatis, out of jealousy after his passing.