Yes, he had several children, and he has grandchildren.
Jenny Craig has 5 children and 13 grandchildren as of July 2008.
No, Pernell Roberts does not have any grandchildren. He had one child, Chris, who was killed in a motorcycle accident when he was 38. Chris never married.
Yes he has two grandsons, from his Daughter Ellisa
I know his daughter Dena married Richard Fallin, but I have no knowledge of them having any children. Hope this helps!
Yes, Aleister Crowley is on the cover. He is in the back row, the second person from the left.
There are 8 great granchildren of former president, Dwight Eisenhower.
No, Nicolaus Copernicus did not have any grandchildren. He was never married and had no children, and would not have had any grandchildren.
no she does not her Grandchildren has not got any children
does jimmy carter have any grandchildren
No he doesnt have no grandchildren
no she did not have any grandchildren.. she didnt have any kids. she dided soon after the whites started leeting the blacks into the whites school. ruby didnt have any children nor grandchildren.
No. Rosa Parks had no kids. Her only surviving close relative was her sister in law.
Nora Ephron had no children so she does not have any grandchildren.
No known grandchildren to date.
Yes, he had several children, and he has grandchildren.
That depends on whether or not they have any children, grandchildren, siblings, or if their parents are still living. If they have children, then the children are the next of kin. If they had children and the children are deceased, yet had children of their own, then the grandchildren would be the next of kin. If there are no grandchildren either, then the parents are next of kin. If the parents are deceased, then the siblings would be next of kin. If they have no children, grandchildren, siblings or surviving parents or grandparents, then the closest blood relatives would be their next of kin, such as aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. in that order.