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yes he misses her a lot

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Deon Jast

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1y ago
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Q: Does Zac Efron miss Vanessa
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zac efron hates vanessa

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zac efron is dating vanessa hudgens. zac efron is dating vanessa hudgens.

Is Zac Efron Vanessa's boyfriend?

yes zac efron is vanessa's boyfriend

Why does Soulja Boy date Vanessa Hudgens?

He is not, Vanessa is currently dating Zac Efron.

Zac Efron likes who?

i got a secret from Vanessa Hudgens Zac Efron does not shower he wipe he body with a wipe

Has Zac Efron poprosed to Vanessa Hudgens?

Yes. Zac Efron proposed to Vanessa Hudgens..You can call her now Vanessa (Anne) Efron. Because their married!!!

Does Vanessa Hudgens miss Zac Efron?

yes he misses her a lot

Is Zac Efron and vanessa hugens datng?

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens broke up in December 2010.

Is vanessa hugdens living with Zac Efron?

No. Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron ended their relationship in December 2010.

Did Vanessa Hudgens go with Zac Efron?

Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron broke up in December 2010.