Xavier Samuel is 34 years old (birthdate: December 10, 1983).
SHANAHAN MANAGEMENT PO Box 1509 Darlinghurst 1300
There are a few actors whose name begins with an X. Some of them include Xzibit, Xander Barkley, Xavier Samuel, Xavier Dolan, and Xenia Seeberg.
Xavier Frau's birth name is Xavier Frau Pascual.
Xavier Minniecon was born in 1967.
Xavier Samuel was born on December 10, 1983.
Xavier Samuel was born on December 10, 1983.
No. Xavier Samuel is not their in Breaking Dawn. Xavier Samuel "Rylie" character is done by Eclipse. So he won't be back in Breaking Dawn.
Xavier Samuel is 34 years old (birthdate: December 10, 1983).
As of my knowledge, there is no public information about Xavier Samuel's current dating status.
Riley Biers in "Twilight Eclipse" is played by actor Xavier Samuel.
Xavier Samuel. :)
no he has had sex with his girlfriend
27 or 26.
Xavier Samuel
Yes, he is the cutest guy! :)
He was born December 10th 1983