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Yes, a daughter with his wife Anne Henry: India Rose Smith born 2012

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

yes one child

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Q: Does William Kennedy smith have children?
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When was William Kennedy Smith born?

William Kennedy Smith was born on 1960-09-04.

Who is Anne Henry smith?

She is the wife of William Kennedy Smith. William is a nephew of President John F. Kennedy.

What was William Kennedy Smith accused of?


Who are the children of jean Kennedy smith?

Jean and her husband Steve had two sons, Steve Jr. and William, and two daughters, Amanda and Kym.

Who was Jean Ann Kennedy?

Jean Ann Kennedy, born Feb. 20, 1928. Former ambassador to Ireland. Married Stephen Edward Smith on May 19, 1956. They had four children, including William Kennedy Smith who was acquitted of rape in 1991 at the family's Palm Beach estate.

How tall is William Kennedy smith?

I would guess 6'4 I would guess 6'4

How many of Joseph Kennedy's children are still living?

One. Jean Ann Kennedy Smith is the last living child of Joseph P. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. As of August 26, 2009 there is one Kennedy remaining. Jean Ann Kennedy was born February 20, 1928 and is the sixth of Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald's nine children.

How many Kennedy sisters are still alive?

As of March 24th, 2012, the only living Kennedy elders/adults and in-laws are Jean Kennedy Smith, Ethel Skakel Kennedy, Joan Bennett Kennedy, Victoria Reggie Kennedy, Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, and Edwin Schlossberg. Also living are all the Shriver children, Lawford children, Smith children, the children of Caroline Kennedy, most of Bobby Kennedy's children, and all but one of Senator Ted Kennedy's children. This does not include all of the grandchildren of the Kennedy generation of nine (the nine children of Joesph and Rose Kennedy). The only child of Joesph Patrick Kennedy Sr. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy who had children who mostly passed away before having their own children was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Of the five children he had, only one lived long enough to have children of her own, but Caroline Bouvier Kennedy and her entire family lives on today.

Who were joe Kennedys children?

Joseph P. Kennedy Jr, John F. Kennedy, Rosemary Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy Cavendish, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Patricia Kennedy Lawford, Robert F. Kennedy, Jean Kennedy Smith, and Edward "Ted" M. Kennedy.

When did Emma Smith Kennedy die?

Emma Smith Kennedy died in 1960.

When was Emma Smith Kennedy born?

Emma Smith Kennedy was born in 1869.

Is Caroline Kennedy the only Kennedy still alive?

Out of all the children of John and Jackie Kennedy she is. But she is not the only member of the Kennedy family that is still alive. Many of Robert Kenendy's children are still alive and have children RFK Jr Rory Kathleen Micheal (who has since past on-but had several children by Kathy Lee Gifford's step-daughter) Kerry Kennedy-who was married to NYS Atterney General Andrew Cuomo Patrica Lawford's children are still alive and have children Christopher Kennedy Lawford is one Eunice Shriver's children have children-one of which is Maria Shriver who has four children with Arnald Schwartzeneger. Jean Kennedy Smith had several children Ted Kennedy had children and his son Ted Jr has children as well.