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Yes he does

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Q: Does Tommy mac from hedley have a girl friend?
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Is Tommy mac from hedley married?


How old is Tommy Mac from hedley?

Tommy Mac was born on April 25, 1979.

When is Tommy Mac's birthday from Hedley?

Thomas "Tommy Mac" McDonald was born April 25, 1977.

Does Tommy mac from hedley have a kid?

yes , he has a baby boy :)

What high school did Tommy Mac from Hedley go to?

General Panet!

Where did Tommy mac from Hedley born?

He was born in Germany but he lives in Langley, British Columbia.

Where was Tommy Mac from Hedley born?

In Lahr, West Germany on April 25, 1979.

Who are the members of Hedley?

Jacob Hoggard (lead vocals), Dave Rosin (guitar) , Chris Crippin (drums), "Tommy Mac" McDonald (bass)

Who are the band members of hedley?

The band Hedley is made up of 4 members Jacob Hoggard ( lead vocals). Tommy Mac plays bass . Dave Rosin plays Guitar . Chris Crippin plays drums.

What are the names of the band members of hedley?

Jacob Hoggard sings! Dave Rosin plays guitar! Tommy Mac plays bass! And,Chris Crippin the drummer!

When was hedley formed?

there was an origianal band called hedley in 2003 and prior ( before jake was on canadian idol) but the only member from the new hedley bnd was jacob hoggard the new and current hedley band was created in 2004 after jake was elimanated for canadian idol in 3rd place he teh broke up with his old band and went wit tommy mac dave rossin and chris crippin to form ''new hedley'' hope this helped

Does mac miller have a girl friend?

yes he does