Tom Welling is alive
Tom Welling has 2 children
No, Tom Welling was never on Days of Our Lives.
Tom Welling was born on April 26, 1977
Tom Welling wears an American men's shoe size 12.
Oh, it's important to remember that everyone has their own choices and habits, and that's okay. We should focus on sending positivity and understanding to others, no matter what they may do. Let's paint a happy little picture of acceptance and kindness, shall we?
No, Tom Welling is not single.
Tom Welling's birth name is Thomas John Patrick Welling.
Tom Welling Tom Welling is alive
Tom Welling has 2 children
Yes, Tom Welling has 2 kids.
Tom Welling is a/an Actor, director, producer, model
Tom Welling was born on April 26, 1977
Yes, Tom Welling has 2 kids.
No, Tom Welling was never on Days of Our Lives.
Tom Welling married to Jamie White from 2002 to 2015 Tom Welling married to Jessica Rose Lee in 2019