yes they do because feet are very special and amazingly tasty.feet are nice,energetic,stinky,PRETTY and extraordinary
Tea Leoni starred in Switch, A League of Their Own, Wyatt Earp, Bad Boys, Flirting with Disaster, Deep Impact, There's No Fish Food in Heaven and several other movies.
Film and television actress Téa Leoni has two children, a daughter and a son...1999: (d) Madelaine West2002: (s) Kyd Miller
No. celebs (esp. females) take extra care of their feet.
Tea Leoni is alive.
No she did not, Tea Leoni worked as an actress
Try soaking your feet in tea every night. I know it sounds silly, but I've heard it works.
Tea Leoni
Stinky feet
Spanglish (2004).
Of course they do, whether some admit it or not, everybody on this earth has stinky feet.
David Duchovny, who starred in the television series "The X-Files".
no he just act along with her in bad boys
Tea Leoni
Some cats may be attracted to the scent of stinky feet because it resembles certain pheromones, but not all cats will exhibit this behavior. It's important to note that cats have unique preferences and behaviors, so reactions to stinky feet may vary.