Yes, Taylor Lautner starred in the Disney Channel movie "The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl" as sharkboy
He was played by Taylor Lautner.
Taylor lautner
Taylor Lautner plays Jacob Black in the Twilight series! He was about to get fired and not able to play Jacob in Eclipse because they said he didn't have enough muscle so he had to put on 30 pounds of muscle to keep his place!! I love Taylor Lautner
Yes, Taylor Lautner starred in the Disney Channel movie "The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl" as sharkboy
Yes. Taylor Lautner does play shark boy! Look in the credits if you don't believe me.
Taylor Lautner did Shark boy and Lava Girl (co-star Taylor Dooley) in 2005.
Taylor Lautner likes the band Kings Of Leon . But his favorite band is U2.
He was played by Taylor Lautner.
it's Taylor Lautner !
Taylor Lautner...Sharkboy Taylor Dooley...Lavagirl shark boy is: Taylor Lautner and lava girl is: Taylor Dooley.Taylor Lautner...Sharkboy Taylor Dooley...Lavagirl
The wrestler Shark Boy's name is Dean Roll. The one that was in the movie "The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl" was Taylor Lautner.
Taylor looks like the soccer player Ronaldo.