There are sexual themes but no nudity.
It doesn't not contain any nudity at all.
No. There are references and jokes, but no nudity.
It's rated PG-13 and there is sex related material. But the rating does not mention nudity.
There is no 'BN' MPAA rating in the United States. BN stands for brief nudity.
Slaughterhouse-Five was created in 1969.
Slaughterhouse-Five has 186 pages.
The duration of Slaughterhouse-Five - film - is 1.73 hours.
Slaughterhouse-Five - film - was created on 1972-03-15.
The novel Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut was first published in 1969. There's also a film-adaptation with the same name, which was released in 1972.
"Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt Vonnegut has around 275 pages, depending on the edition and formatting.
Slaughterhouse Five book had tralfamadorians that fit the description but in the movie they were invisible. Pan's Labyrinth had creatures (not aliens) with eyes in their hands.
The author of Slaughterhouse-Five is Kurt Vonnegut. The novel was first published in 1969.
The tone was ironic
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