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Not definitive. Nevertheless, considering he is born and raised in the UK. Most children in the UK learn French while in school. The curriculum often includes Latin and Italian.

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he speeks english

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Q: Does Rowan Atkinson speak other languages?
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Does rowan atkinson speak properly?

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What languages does Rowan Atkinon speak?

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He only speaks english! WebRep Overall rating This site has no rating (not enough votes)

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What other languages do you speak = Welche anderen Sprachen sprichst du (informal) What other languages do you speak = Welche anderen Sprachen sprechen Sie (formal)

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Of course they speak other languages. Don't you know people in your country who speak more than one language.

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They speak Norwegian, but other people from other countries go there with other languages.

What languages can Bradley Cooper speak?

I'm 100 sure he can Speak English & French. I don't know if he can speak any other languages or not but I know he can speak English & French.

What percentage of people speak a language other than English?

92% people speak other languages.

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John McCain spoke English fluently. He did not publicly mention speaking any other languages.

Do french people speak other languages?


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Sarah Brightman is known to speak English and French fluently. She could likely speak other languages to some extent, but these are the two known languages she is proficient in.