i can tell you because i dont say bad words!
Selena gomez does say a bad word in the song hit the lights.yes, but she is a christian and does believe in god. she has been caught cussing out the paparazzi, and saying bad words in songs, but she doesnt say bad words in general.she Said D/// In WhipLashIn hit the lights she says the d word. (you're too d*** afraid to fly)
They say hell a lot. And one of the characters said damn.
probly NOT! well in my opinion, yes Justin bieber does say a bad word and i can prove it, go to youtube.com and search for bieber take over and click the 2nd video and at the end of the video JUSTIN BIEBER says a bad word witch is known as the word BITCH!!!!
I'm afraid you cant say things like f**k or b*lux but you can call someone an idiot and this is pronounced o-m-o-d-o-n
Rumors say that Ross Lynch and Morgan Larson are dating.
Rumors say that Ross Lynch and Morgan Larson are dating.
There is no evidence to suggest that Rose Lynch uses bad language. She is known for conducting herself professionally as a lawyer and advocate.
definitely 100%. Amazing looks, singing, dancing. id say so
i think pepole say bad words because they want to say it or when their mad they just say it
i can tell you because i dont say bad words!
No, Dog with a Blog never says bad words. It is on Disney Channel which has no show that say bad words. It is completely safe for kids.
Well other ppl say it's Northridge,California it probably is because why would people put something they don't know
He likes a girl who is her self like if u meet him and he asks you something like what is ur favorite color and u say yellow and that is his favorite color he knows ur saying that because it is his favorite color P.S. I LOVE U ROSS LYNCH U ARE SO CUTE U R KOOL B-)
No you cannot say bad words in Eden Eternal. There is an automatic filter that will replace all bad words with ***. Also remember bad words are against the rules as well, so don't do it.
you should not say bad words regardless of any age :)