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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 4y ago

It has a different texture and color, thus, it must be an added thatch of something

resembling human hair.

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โˆ™ 4y ago

of course de does

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Q: Does Rick Steve have fake hair?
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Is Justin Bieber's hair fake?

No. his hair is not fake. It is indeed real.

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Yes, because all of her hair could be fake , I mean nobodyreally knows if her hair is fake we just think that. But my opinion is that her hair is fake . I 'm not trying to hate on her or anything I think her hair is scienctificly fake

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Most fake hair can be curled... the package should tell if it can be curled. read the manual of the fake hair

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Do famous people have fake hair?

No, they don't have fake hair, Only some of them wear wigs!