I think he has a "foot drop." If you watch the movie Roxanne, you can notice that when he walks or runs, one of his feet points almost vertically downward at times.
Rick Rossovich is 54 years old (birthdate: August 28, 1957).
liqid limp
Kelley Limp's birth name is Kelley Marie Limp.
It's not a limp .. it's a waddle.
Limp Records was created in 1978.
Rick Rossovich was born on August 28, 1957.
Rick Rossovich was born on August 28, 1957.
Rick Rossovich is 54 years old (birthdate: August 28, 1957).
David Rosiak's birth name is David Edward Rosiak.
David Rosinger is 5' 11".
Tim Rossovich's birth name is Timothy John Rossovich.
Tim Rossovich was born on March 14, 1946, in Palo Alto, California, USA.
The cast of Tropical Heat - 1993 includes: Lee Anne Beaman as Carolyn Prakash Raj as Inspector Govind Rao as Coroner Ashok Rao as Maharajah Rick Rossovich as Gravis Asha Siewkumar as Kamla
liqid limp
What made magellan limp
Kelley Limp's birth name is Kelley Marie Limp.