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NO Quinn doesn't survive the car crash she ends up dying and if you didn't know that well now you do and didn't you see the add " New beginnings for some & The end for one"

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Q: Does Quinn survive the car crash?
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Can you survive a car crash?

Yes you can

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How can you survive a car crash?

yes but you would need surgery

Does Quinn die in the car crash?

No she does not die but she is put in a wheelchair we are not sure if it is permanent yet !!!!! find out April 10th when glee returns!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does Quinn have to use a wheelchair after her crash?


How do you survive a car crash?

swerve /\ l l you know how this guy said to swerve, well, the question he should of used was how do i avoid a car crash. sorry, i just had to say that

Does Dex survive the car crash on home and away?

Yes there has been talk of him pulling through

How many people survive a car crash due to wearing a seat belt?

not as many as the car crashes in the world as people crash without wearing a seat belt. that's all I know

Did the people in the car with Lisa lopes survive the crash?

yes all 8 other passengers survived,

Which are you more likely to survive a plane crash or a car crash?

Car crash. Sadly, its true. Planes rarely crash but depending on where the crash is it can give you almost no chance of surviving, like the oceans. Less people die from car crashes then plane crashes a year, but don't worry about it. The chance of being in a crashing plane are 1 in 11 million, so if your going on a plane ride, don't worry.

Did Theo dahl survive his accident?

No, Theo Dahl did not survive the accident. Unfortunately, he passed away at the age of 30 due to injuries sustained in a car crash.