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*Spoiler Alert*

She goes to the capital with Peeta Mallarck, the boy tribute, who has had a crush on her for a long time, only she doesn't know it. One by one, the other contestants are killed, leaving only her, Peeta, and a dangerous tribute from another district. The gamemakers announce that this year, two tributes can win if they are from the same district. After the other tribute dies, they expect to be taken to the Capitol, but the Gamemakers announce that they have changed the rules back and only one tribute may win. Katniss realizes that they have to have a winner, so she gives both Peeta and herself poisonous berries and, at the last moment, the Gamemakers panic and allow them both to live.

However, the Capitol thinks that she is trying to mock them, and her only excuse is that she was too hopelessly in love to notice. So she and Haymitch have to convince everyone that she is totally in love, even Peeta, who believes it. But at the end, he finds out that she was faking it (or was she?) and things get awkward.

But this is the start of the rebellion against the Capitol.

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12y ago
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12y ago

In Chapter 14 of The Hunger Games, Rue saves Katniss' life by pointing out the tracker jacker nest above her head in the tree she was about to sleep in. Since the Career Tributes are camped underneath her, Katniss decides to severe the branch containing the nest and dump it on the Careers, in hope that some of them might die from their stings. In this chapter, Haymitch also sends Katniss a small pot of Capitol-brewed medicine for her burns on her leg and hands. The following morning, Katniss finishes the job of using her knife to cut the branch, and, while 3 of the tracker jackers sting her, the rest target the sleepy Careers on the ground. Most of them are lucky and, while they are all stung, make it back to their base camp by the lake. However, Glimmer (the girl from District 1) and the girl from District 4 die from their stings. Katniss takes the bow and arrow from Glimmer's body before the hovercraft takes Glimmer away. As Katniss is doing this, Peeta comes back in and sees Katniss. He urges her with his spear to climb a tree and get away. Cato comes in after Peeta and, after seeing that Peeta saved the girl he hated so much, he cut Peeta right down to the bone with his knife and left him there to die.

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12y ago

No. Prim was selected to be the female tribute from District 12. Katniss volunteered in her place, making her the female tribute for her district.

After Katniss volunteered, Prim did not go in the Hunger Games.

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10y ago

Prim never died. Katniss volunteered in her place. However, if prim had died, then i would think that Katniss is going to get revenge or something to the government or President Snow assuming they are the ones that killed Prim.

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12y ago

Because, she didn't want her innocent younger sister going into the arena. She would of rather herself die, then Prim.

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12y ago

Well Katniss didn't get chosen. Prim did. Katniss volunteered to take Prim's place. Katniss's reaction is scared but Katniss puts on a brave face.

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